Thursday, June 30

Family Date.

Assalamualaikum taknakjawab Wa'alaikumsalam sayatolongjawabkann 

late post , Saturday 25th

I've been so close with them fo 2years kott , yeah they're like my real family
walaupun bukan but they really nice to me , ibu do love me LOL

 before lunch nak pergi bowling but dah fully booked 
so change plan tunggu baba

teharu baba comment by calling me 'my daughter'
teharuuuuu sangatt !

we had lunch together , seriously comfortable sangatt
imissyouguyssomuch :')

3days left , hee
fyi , today pergi hari canteen teknik gombak
bangreez tak bawa DSLR dia so no photo la kann , haiih

esok nak date dengan my girls pulaa but some of them busy kerja so sob sob sikitt
still cant wait for tomorrow

p/s transfomers 3 bosan , LMFAO

eh eh lupa pulaa. gambar khas untuk si minah kuat boom saya, cik Adrinna.

 rawwrrawwr , aiviyeuw

Wednesday, June 29

Safwan :')

Assalamualaikum , Wa'alaikumsalam *sayatolongjawabkann 


 he's so adorable like me kann and and do we look like a twin ?
*anggukangguk* hahaha

imissyousomuch , sob sob sob
tadi hantar cake and barang adik untuk jualan block voksha (vokasional shah alam)

last meet , dia salam and kiss tangaan , hughug sikitt. hahahaa
gonna miss you Safwan :')

days by days , i already planed my dates with others A.S.A.P.
and maybe i'll be awayy for weeks or month so dont stop stlalking my blog

gonna miss you guys too *flyingkisskiss*
this friday I've date with my girls so yeayy me !

 rawwrrawwr , aiviyeuw

Friday, June 24

1 week 4 days and still counting

Assalamualaikum , Wa'alaikumsalam *sayatolongjawabkann

so its will be 1 week 4 days before I move to  MARA Professional College Seri Iskandar.

I dont really have the chance to meet others yet and the time is really really not that much
I guess I'll meet the closer and fo those yang nak laah

People changes and Best Friends included
and I do hate when my friends change to something bad or annoyed or so euwww-ing
I hate so you still my bff , although peeps said its a bullshit so what I believe it 

I do gonna miss you , so bad

Lets have some fine light coffee or grab some lunch ?
I am cute , adorable and so tinggi you know , melepas nanti.

You say what now ? *TrueJackson* , you dont like Hijab girls ? 
you're so out of here , shuhh shuhh 

 rawwrrawwr , aiviyeuw

Saturday, June 18

Weeding Baju Baru.

Assalamualaikum , Wa'alaikumsalam *sayatolongjawabkann 

the person i'm gonna miss mostt 

pergi wedding tadii , glam sangatt , orangorang kayaa
kann best weeding macam tuu , perghhhh

perasmian baju kurung yang sepatotnyaa dipakai di college , #bhahaha
dah macam twitter pulaa pakai hashtag , hahaha

purple pulaa , memang ta menahaan laa

tinggal dua minggu je lagii , after this nak update post people i miss most
insyAllah :) so doa doa laa ada post pasal korang , hahahaha


rawwrrawwr , aiviyeuw

Wednesday, June 15

Fixed Victim Of Mine.

Assalamualaikum , Wa'alaikumsalam *sayatolongjawabkann

Its about twitter things so stop reading if you dont want too
idgad punn , hahaha

okayy today is enough , a lot of laughing happen kott
sengal punya toyoll -.-

Officially he become my Fixed Sakat-ing Victim 
but beware and stop cheering fo those who still seronok ta kenaa
I'll haunt you Followers and Followed , bhahaha *evillaugh

So I really have a blast , really do
thanks agaiin toyol , you making my dayy
Eventhougt I'm in sorrow , I manage to hide it when sakat-ing him

Hope we can be fixed friend pulaa , amiin.
Ehh , amin laa sekalii my awesome adorable hot readers , LOL

Special post forTooyoll
okay dah boleh belanja McFlurry.

 rawwrrawwr , aiviyeuw

Sunday, June 12

Post Show Off !

Assalamualaikum , Wa'alaikumsalam *sayatolongjawabkann

late post , nii 7/6 kott , dah lupaa peduli apaa , hahahhaha

bukti bawa keeereta sorangsorang , Manual tanpa guru pelatiih
Nicee kann ? Hahahhahaah , okay statement mengelabah

itupunn kuad mati engine , baru je kena tinggal dah mati engine 3 times tuu
Gear 1 kau memang mempunyai perasaan sensitive yang kuaat !

okay semalam hantar syakir balik ganu , kann dah habis sekolaah
we missed fligt , ibu nangiss , terpaksa beli ticket baruu
%&*#$@&%$@#*$%&#@ sangatt !

dugaaaaan , astagfirullahalazim.

and harinii melawat rumah baru nek lamaah , besar bebenoo umah nyee
hahahaha , mentangmenatang nak pi perook , ckap perok le teman

okay terimakasih and about Perak tuu , there will be a special post so
tungguu tunggu tunguu , okay tunggu 

 rawwrrawwr , aiviyeuw

Saturday, June 4

A day with smile , agaiin

Assalamualaikum , Wa'alaikumsalam *sayatolongjawabkann

selepas pergi wedding anak untie ruby mak mokhalis azam
pergi fetch teeqa then straight away pergi metroo 

main bubbles , bubbles teeqa yang ta  menjaadii , masih belejaar

spending time sespending yang boleeh cause
 lepas nii memang sangat susah nak jumpaa so jumpa siapa yang free
and and

 kepada sesiapa sayang saya sila jumpa saya sebelum petengahan bulan enam , terimakasih

lepas Tia upload baru peraasan yang kamii buad pose sama
dato memag suka imitate saya , hehh
okayy mengelabah kann ?

second to minutes then days to weeks and month to years , yet I'm still counting.

 rawwrrawwr , aiviyeuw

Wednesday, June 1

Filling up my day with happiness.

Assalamualaikum , Wa'alaikumsalam *sayatolongjawabkann

yeaaay me , horaaaay horaaay , i bought it finally horaaayhoraaaay
err , syeeqa this album is so last month -.-

whateveeerrr ! hey , nak pinjam taa ? okay ta bole , hehh

okay pagipagi nii saya merayap ke badminton court
semalam kalahkan Syah and Yaya  , okay terimakasih tahu saya hebad , hhahaha
bole dikatakan like everyday pergi main badmintonmintoon
so yes i'm addict to it

spending my sakibaki day with dato'  , semestinyelaaa

okay fo those yang nak compete or nak lawan beregu , mehh lawan saya 
fo immature sajaa , hahahahha

 okay saya guraugurau , tana compete so dont take it seriously , hehh

minggu ni penuh denga keexcitedan , marah cikgu bm saya

 rawwrrawwr , aiviyeuw