Sunday, June 24

Pengapit Si Kacak.

Assalamualaikum. Muah muah sikit  

Perghh makin kacak Asraf ku..If he could grow than kind of mustacheyy. Yuurghh.. I'll shave it.
p.s b marah panggil Aserap. Hoho

Tadi jadi pengapit Si Kacak kat pekeliling.. ehem ehem this is my first time pergi pekeliling. Lameeee~
Awhhh macam nak hantar pergi jauhh padahal pahang je. Overrrrrr *pegerakan bibir yang over mata jeling*
 Datang and balik dengan nuham.. just two of us and yeahh start with the not-so-lucky love story from him

While waiting for jam dua dikerat setengah, we decided to have vla-vla-vla *beborak*
It almost half an hour of waiting but yet tak rasa lama.. nampak sangat we had fun. Hahaha perasaan

Rasa tak nak lepas je, ishhh geram geram.. I hold his arm real tight until the time come.
I know lately I posted banyak sangat pasal b cause Im in laaav so Im sorry and I likeyyy.
I love my b and he's everything to me. 
My MAN. My BESTFRIEND. My LOVE. My ONE and two and three.. Hahaa

Asraf, Love you.

 Thank you

Sayang kau Aserap ku sayang..

Assalamualaikum. Muah muah sikit  

First: Pencahayaan kurang so memang bad quality sikit
Second: The only photo cause terlalu malu.. LOL
Third: B lagi kacak dari diriku sebab saja nak selekehh..b terima b tak kesah

Finally we met. Sanggup ni baru bangun tido terus datang jumpa. Heee
Sweet kan? Tahu dahhh.. *ayat menyampahh* Haaha

B kenapala kau ni comel sangat. kacak sangat. sweet sangat. geram tahuu geram.
Ohh dating dengan Odahh sekali ehh..dia yang nampak b dulu time b cari cari. Odahh cakap;
"Kakak kakak tu boipreng akak" *sengih sengih
"Bakal imam okayy" *swagg muka sombong cari phone nak call b*

So jalan jalan mencari saki baki barang yang hendak dibeli dan dibekalkan dengan
 kemamaianya yang comel comel sikit so kenela pimpin si tua berjalan mengelakkan dirinya dilanggar orang dan menghalang pejalanan orang lain. Hohoho

The best momento:
"Sayang b?"
"Takkkk.. Hahah sayang la gila" 
Yeah that was it. Ehh best moment tuu walaupun hanya itu tetapi amat bermakna :') *pyo

Aserap, Loveyou.

 Thank you

Thursday, June 21

May god bless you sayang.

Assalamualaikum, Muah muah sikit. :*

Well, short entry. Just nak minta jasa baik readers untuk doakan kesihatan bushlee's brotha terjaga and insyallah panjang umur. He just got this shocking news about his brotha. So I really hope you could pray for his brotha. Healthy and in good condition. 

For b, be strong. Allah love you and your family thats why HE gave you this. Just face it. I know you're strong sayang. I will always try to be there for you wheneve you need me. May Allah bless you and your family. And remeber HE LOVE YOU and your family. And I love you too.
p.s ehem ehem, sorry I took this photo without permission.

I cant wait to see you. Cant wait to tease you. Cant wait to be with you.

Good Luck sayang. My doa always with you. Insyallah.

rawwrrawwr , aiviyeuw

Tuesday, June 19

Just one phone call.

Assalamualaiku, peace be upon to you :) Aminn.

I do miss him. He miss me. 


Well, we had some misunderstanding recently but yeahh he made my day in one phone call.
Its been awhile since buchlee left. No phone call. No text message. Nothing.
He said he's busy with final and examination. Sebulan straight exam exam. No wonder busy sangat.
But yeahh we overcome it. 

I sent him a break up text message but he didnt reply. And I asked him last night
"Kenaapa buchlee tak reply text semalam"
He giggles and said
"Alaaah tahu sangat dah sayang merepek meroyan so diam jelaa"
And I was like 
"Woiiii nak gaduh?"

I just have to strength up my heart and commit to this relationship. And see where it goes.
I do love Asraf Fadli. And he love me so much too. 

BuchLee :*

rawwrrawwr , aiviyeuw

Thursday, June 7




i know i know cantikkan mata saya. hahahah
well not much to say because it is too much too say. vlala vlalala vlalala

most tiring f exhausting familia trip evaaa! damn damn jauh lama sanga lama gila. i cant feel my budd.
but it wa fun and yeahh they told me orang kat sana kacak kacak and yeahh it is.. kindaa brahhaha

Daymnnn baby mama spend a lot there, A LOT I tell yaaah. 
and yeahh it worth it... wow you know what fo the first time in my life I got chance to see sunrise bebehh

beautifull is it? damn im lucky and... you are not. hahah jk
so yeahh its wonderful morning to start with

I eat all of this. I aint gonna lie, the breakfast was damn tasty. hahaha
I just wanna bring this chef home.. ohh I wishh!

so yeahh..told you not much too say
ohh one more thing i bought zomba jersey.. hope zomba like it.

Still wasting time and yeahh I dont get my license within next two weeks.. im dead.
new semester new life new environment new start new grades new friends new.. yeah everything

pray fo me with love

rawwrrawwr , aiviyeuw