Ikhwan Fahmi Raini
6.10 p.m.
one day , as usual si gadis besiap untuk meet her friends .
we`re having a mc donald and flirt with each other.
we laughing , do silly things , make jokes..
its great to be with him :))
and suddenly the love story song by taylor swift bekumandang
we sing the song and and by the time part
knelt down .... (ta hafal )
he really knelt to the ground and said would you be mine :))
how on earth i`ll say NO to that ?
damn , he`s so romantic
jealous aan? hhe
girls , we know that this is what we looking for in men
so be jealous , i own him ..
he`s not so handsome or hot like yours
BUT he is better than yours laa and i love his originality ! :)
damn , he`s one weirdo , hyper , loving and e strong jealous boyfie !!
HE love me the way i am ..
when we met , he gave me a flower ..romantic sangat !
sorry , it takes too long to tell you guys bout this but , tadaa
bout M A F , we`re not together dah ..i ask for it
not because of the new guy , it just
we`re great in friends not in e couple
so we decided to be e friends :))
thanks dear for everything , i wont let the memories away ..
and for the new love ..
sayang , i know that one day we might face the `c` things
but i really love you and please put e trust on me :)
i love you laa lemak siket <3
friends , thanks for supporting me
for those yang tatau lagy , sorry
it takes time :)
iloveyou readers ..
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