Thursday, January 13

Arts In You

i'm so so so freaking amaze with this one awesome guy work of art .

try this one and read with your heart and imagination
then you will know how it feel .

he admit that tittle cerpen tu jadi the huge hole for him but he did a great and awesome art .
we need to support him and we should be proud of it cause
still ada lagy manusia and REMAJA who have passion in arts 
like Poem , Short Stories and this is something that need to be explore .
 this is a way where we can express ourselves and our thought without being judge .

i talk Poem and you should try too .
kita penuh dengan Arts but we never try to make it real
so trust me man , you can do it if you have faith on it .

wohoah , too much word to express 
hee , so try laa bace art dia 
especially yang ad sensitive heart
confirm menitis and you will be so touch .

 rawwr , iloveyou ♥ 

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