Monday, May 16

Happy Teachers Day

Assalamualaikum , Wa'alaikumsalam *sayatolongjawabkann

Nak paste gambar satu satu cikgu memang ta habisla post ni so short post

Happy Teachers Day

thanks fo giving me this priceless thing , you guys are so precious to me
im so sorry fo ta bagi hadiah tahun ni sebab saya dah ta sekolah *perlukecakap?
so this post will be as a present , not physically la kann 
aiviyeuw techers :')

thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you 
thank you thank you thank you 
thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you
thank you so much so thanks sesangat sangat

this thanks will never be enough fo you but ni je yang mampu nak cakap , lol

hopefully i'll be a teacher too , soon , amiin

The best teacher don't give the student answers. They just point the 
way and let us make our own choices, our own mistakes.

 rawwrrawwr , aiviyeuw ♥

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