Thursday, January 12

College Friends


Best Closest-Friend Everr.

Fatih Eleanor Zaharuddin
We are not in the same class for the second semester but but we are roomate, roomate bebehh!
First semester shes the only one yang selalu sangat berkepit. always together. People said 
"kalau nak cari qaa, cari elmo. kalau nak cari elmo, cari qaa."

We do almost everything together except nak mandi, pergi toilet and vla vla vlaa..
We share everything. I mean EVERYTHING accept boyfriend.
Yeahh, EVERYTHING! can you believe it.. kan kan kan?

Masuk second sem second class lecturer yang kenal semua tanya.
"Mana kakak awak?" "Mana pasangan awak?" 
and and every time when orang lain see one of us, they was like..
"Eleanor mana?" "Tak sama kelas ke?" "Kenapa?"

Damn I miss her. :'(
She's the closest one laa among others bukan tak rindu yang lain.
Dah satu semester berkepit je tiba tiba tak memang tak laa


And yeah I appreciate my friends and ilove them so much!
Here, I have no body accept them. They are the best thing I ever had.
You give shit I share love. You give love I show you life.

Best Friends.


 rawwrrawwr , aiviyeuw

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